I'm tired of missing you. There's no remedy to fix the void I feel in my heart.
I miss your look, your voice, your touch, your smell, and your taste.
When you’re not around I feel like a ship without a sail. The breeze blows when you call, but I don’t feel like I get anywhere.
Ever since I moved, I’ve been thinking about you. I thought I would be able to move my mind away from you, but my mind has stayed with you.
I’m sending you this card mainly for myself to help me get my thoughts out and express my feelings. I’ve been missing you a lot lately.
It’s days like this I wish I was a pilot and owned my own private jet. Just letting you know I am missing you a lot.
If I had a superpower, I would choose teleportation, so I would never have to miss you ever again.
If I missed you any more, I might do something crazy like buy you a plane ticket to come see you this Christmas… Oh, wait I might have already done that. Surprise! I’m coming to see you this Christmas!
I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you a lot lately, and I want to see you soon.
It’s been too long. Lately, all I have been thinking about is giving you a great big hug and being with you. I hope we get to see each other soon.
It was really fun hanging out with you this last time we got together, but it seems that each time we see each other I end up missing you even more than the time before when we say goodbye.
The anticipation of seeing you is building up in me like a kid on the night before Christmas. I look forward to seeing you, and I want to let you know that I have missed you.
I am missing you more than anyone else I have ever known. I guess that means I love you a lot.
I’m counting down the days before I get to see you again and letting you know that I can’t wait.
You are the person I am missing. You are the one I wish I was kissing.
I’m thinking about you so much lately, and it turns out that missing you is a lot of work. I think we need to get together just so I can take a break from missing you.
Lately I’ve been feeling like there is something missing when you are not around. I am not sure what it is, but maybe you could come over and help me figure it out.
I just want to let you know that it doesn’t take long before I start missing you. Usually within a few minutes I start to miss you.